Testing and Design Evaluation

Getting feedback and usability testing is essential for development towards a successful product.

Human-centered design

People from the focus group are the most important part of the process. Usability testing determines whether our designs are sufficiently intuitive for them and offer a positive user experience.

usability testing with people
usability testing with people
agile design

Agile iteration

The aim of usability testing is to find out what works and what does not. After defining the problematic parts, we will return to the prototyping process. We try to eliminate the problem and re-iterate design evaluation.

agile design

Advantages of usability testing

  • Increases the chance for an optimized design with better conversion
  • We need to test only 5-7 people on usability testing to discover 80% of the usability problems
  • Iteration in the design phase is cheaper than iteration in the code
  • Early detection and elimination of design problems means significant savings in time and money later

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